Student Government
Get involved in ASTCC.
Get Involved in Student Government!
ASTCC Student Government Mission Statement:
As representatives of the Tacoma Community College student body, the ASTCC Student Government's mission is to act in the best interests of all students by listening to the diverse needs and issues of students, identifying equitable solutions, and advocating for success.
If you have an interest in government, civic engagement and taking a role in the direction of the welfare of TCC students, then step right up. Future leaders are born and thrive within the organization of student government. Also know as the Associated Students of TCC, or ASTCC.
Our Mission
The Office of Student Engagement empowers students to succeed through supporting relevant and comprehensive leadership development training, co-curricular programming, and other student initiated efforts which contribute to an involved and equitable campus culture.
Winter 2025 Student Senate Meetings
Winter quarter meetings are 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
Jan. 15
Jan. 29
Feb. 12
Feb. 26
March 12
Become An ASTCC Senator
All members of the Associated Student Body at TCC (ASTCC) are students like you -- students with a keen interest in educational, leadership and political opportunities. Any registered student at TCC may become an active part of student government.
Become a Senator and make your voice count!
- Attend two consecutive Senate Meetings (held every other Wednesday)
- Take the quiz below
By becoming an ASTCC Senator, you are entitled to vote on various issues regarding clubs, student budgets, and student-imposed fees. Senators may also serve on committees appointed by the ASTCC President.
Make a Proposal or Present to the Student Senate
Want to be placed on the Student Senate agenda? Download and complete this form, then upload it here.
Keep Up with Student Engagement on Canvas!
What does student government do?
Members of Associated Student Body of Tacoma Community College (ASTCC) are responsible for:
The best student government is one that: Guarantees student participation which is direct, open, and responsive to changing student needs; is integral to and not isolated from other decision-making and governing processes of the college; and provides development of each student participant.”
Meet your ASTCC Representatives for 2024-2025
Randy Phillips ASTCC President |
Marvin Culannay VP of Finance & Clubs |
Kendra Rachal VP of Legislation & Records |
Tamara Lukudu ASTCC Secretary |
Terrell Stalworth Legislative Liaison |
Contact us!
Stop by! You can find us upstairs in the Building 11 OSE office.
Student Government: 253-566-6025
Get Involved
Come and find out what your student government is doing for you this quarter!
Senate Meetings are open to all TCC students and are held every other Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Senate Room, Bldg. 11. Join us at a meeting this fall.
Know your ASTCC Constitution and read your Bylaws.