image of flowers


TCC Counseling provides mental health support to students. 

Counseling Services: 

At Tacoma Community College we have a Counseling Team that cares deeply about your growth and success, and we are here to support you. 
Counseling Services offers scheduled appointments, crisis intervention services as needed, classes, workshops, and groups.
Check out our Overview of Counseling + Wellness Services Video to answer some basic questions about counseling services at TCC.


Counselng Services is open Monday to Friday 8am-6pm during Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarter. 

Summer Quarter, Counseling Services are available on a condensed schedule: One Counselor available M-TH 10-3pm

We follow the academic calendar and are not available during quarter breaks. See below for off campus and emergency resources.

Meet Our Team

An image of the 6 counseling staff standing in a line in fall 2024

All of our counselors are professionally trained as mealth providers in a variety of therapeutic modalities.

Counselors are licensed through the WA State Department of Health (DOH).

TCC Counselors are also TCC Faculty & teach courses in the Human Development (HD) arena.

Meet Our Counselors

Schedule an Appointment

If you'd like to make an appointment for free confidential mental health, personal, or career counseling session, we’d encourage you to look at the Counseling Teams Bio Page to find a counselor that might be a good fit for you.

If you’d like to make an appointment please do one of the following to schedule your appointment with a TCC Counselor: 

  • Use the TCC Bookings page to schedule directly with a TCC Counselor. You'll be able to select an in person or telehealth counseling session. 
    • Please note, the Counseling Bookings page only shows availability for 14 days at a time, so don't get discouraged if you are not able to fina space that works on the MB page. You can check the next day as more availability opens up or use one of the other options listed below to schedule your appointment. 
  • If you know the specific counselor you would like to schedule with, you may email your counselor directly using the links below.
  • You may also choose to contact the Counseling Center Staff via email at  Please be sure to include your preferences on who you work with and your availability/schedule.
  • You can also schedule a counseling appointment by visiting the Counseling and Advising Center in Building 7, or by calling 253-566-5122.

Once your information is received, you will be contacted within 1-2 business days* and provided with the counseling session paperwork. At that time, we will also deliver next steps for accessing your counseling appointment.

*Please note, there may be a further delay in response over the break in quarters when TCC Counseling is closed. If you require immediate services, consider a crisis line or emergency services whose numbers are below.*

Reminder: If you are looking for help with advising, registration, course selection, and/or education planning, please touch base with TCC Advising Center at or 253-566-6091. 

We will close and be unable to take appointments during the break between quarters starting 3/21/25. We will resume counseling for Spring Quarter on 3/31/25. For more immediate resources in the break, please see resources below.

TCC Counseling Information  & Frequently Asked Questions



Upcoming Counseling Workshops & Events

TCC Counseling offers free workshops and events to and for the campus community surrounding themes related to mental health and wellness. All are welcome to join us to learn more!

Spring Quarter 2025 Counseling Workshops & Offerings

Student Mental Health & Wellness: Creating a Supportive Community (PDD Session) on 4/18 from 3-4:15pm in Room TBD / Faciliated by James Mendoza & Dave Howard

  • This workshop/training is intended for TCC Staff & Faculty to provide tips and tricks to support student mental health and wellness. 
  • This workshop/training will be part of Spring Professional Development offerings.

DFF Screening & Discussion: Wild Robot Film on 4/24 from 5-8pm in Building 11 / Facilitated by Gaby Valdez & the Diversity Film Festival Committee

  • This free family friendly screening of Wild Robot will include time to watch the film and have a discussion afterwards. 

Interview Scaries: Overcoming Anxiety on 5/8 from 12:30-2 in 16-109 / Faciliated by Gaby Valdez & Kim Warnick as part of the Internship Fair Prep

  • This workshop will focus on identifying strategies to overcome interview anxiety. 
  • This workshop is done in collaboration with the Navigators as part of the Internship Fair Prep

Managing Mental Health for Students Workshop on 5/13 from 1-2:30pm in Student Senate Room / Facilitated by Nigeria Bell & Lexie Generous

  • This sessions intention is to normalize mental health, give a brief overview of some mental health challenges students face and how to recognize them, and provide ideas of mental health management and coping tools that can be utilized to help care for your mental health needs.
  • All are welcome to attend this session where we hope to leave participants with tools they can incorporate into their lives to better manage their mental health and well-being.

TCC Recovery Group Meeting & Support Space on Thursdays from 1-2pm in 8-5 / Facilitated by Lexie Generous & Peers in Recovery

  • This is an open weekly space for those campus community members in recovery or working towards recovery, as they define it. This meeting space includes open discussion, resource sharing, and support to help support folks' recovery journey. Please join us for non-judgmental supportive community and conversation. 
  • This group will meet Thursdays from 1-2pm starting 4/3-5/5 for Spring Quarter. 

***If you'd like to request a presentation or workshop by TCC Counseling, we ask that you please fill out this TCC Counseling Presentation, Workshop, or Training Request Form. This is a new model we are trying in Winter 2025 to help to accommodate the requests and student mental health needs. We ask that folks make requests at least 30 days in advance, but the more advanced notice we can get the better able to successfully fulfill the requests. If we are unable, we will work to come up with an alternative option. We appreciate your patience and requests for collaboration and will try our best. Thanks!***

More Counseling and Crisis Resources

Assistance for staff and faculty

Personal counseling services for staff and faculty is available through TCC’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can help with personal or work-related problems that may be impacting work performance.

Contact EAP

Report a Concern

Report student conduct code violations, behavior concerns, accessibility concerns, and equity/Title IX grievances at TCC