
Associate of Arts - Specialization in Sociology


TCC's program provides a solid introduction to the concepts, terminology and current advances in the fascinating field of Sociology.

Sociology Program offers courses covering:

  • An introduction to the basic concepts and theories of sociology with an emphasis on group aspects of human behavior.
  • Introduction to the study of women, feminism and theories of oppression and privilege, particularly with respect to gender, sexuality, race, class and sexual orientation.
  • Study of the socio-historical experiences of African-Americans, Asian-Americans and Latino/a populations in the U.S.
  • Exploration of race and ethnic relations in American contemporary society with focus on immigrant groups, manifestations of racism and discrimination, and economic and social progress of different ethnic groups.
  • Introduction to the sociological analysis of sport with emphasis on: race, class, gender, and sexuality issues; socialization and interactions; sport and education; deviance, crime, and violence; and the business and economics of sport.
  • Analysis of deviant behavior from the perspective of sociological theory and research.


Associate of Arts - Specialization in Sociology

Your guided path toward earning your degree


Contact Us

Dr. Andrew Cho, Sociology Program Chair

Bldg. F1-64

Dr. Sandra Galta, Sociology Professor and Faculty Advisor

Bldg. F1-68