Facts and Figures
The Institutional Research office at Tacoma Community College is committed to supporting the college by providing transparent, timely, high quality data and information to help support improvement and decisions.
Core Indicators:
- Core indicators of Mission and Strategic Plan Fulfillment (pdf): This report is on TCC’s progress toward achieving its institutional goals as measured by the college’s success in meeting the mission fulfillment targets. The report is used at the unit level in annual academic program planning, administrative unit planning, and the institutional operational and budgetary planning and is tied to the college’s strategic plan. TCC’s strategic plan guides how we forge a strong future for our students and community.
- Student Headcount: This dashboard provides student profile data by various demographics.
- Student FTE: This dashboard includes the quarterly and annual full-time equivalent (FTE) data on student by various demographics. FTE is based on credits and one FTE is considered the equivalent of one student enrolled for 15 community college credits ((15 quarterly credits = 1 quarterly FTE).
- Student Retention: This dashboard provides TCC’s fall cohorts retention rates and can be disaggregated by various demographics.
- Completion: The information in this dashboard includes data on student completions by award type and degree. It includes completion of GED, high school diploma, certificate, transfer, bachelor, and workforce and can be disaggregated by various demographics.
- Transfer Outcomes: This dashboard is on TCC’s degree-seeking students transfer outcomes. It provides an analysis the students transfer outcomes based on 2 years after their cohort year and can be disaggregated by various demographics.
- Employment Outcomes: This dashboard provides employment rate and median salary information for TCC’s professional-technical students that completed a program or left a program before completing. The data can be disaggregated by various demographics.
- Student Achievement Initiative (SAI): Student Achievement Initiative (SAI) is the performance funding model for Washington’s community and technical colleges. The dashboard provides the student achievement milestones for all state-funded students disaggregated by various demographics.
- First-Time Entering Cohort (FTEC) Outcomes: This dashboard provides milestones data for first time entering students who started in the fall. The milestones include progression, retention, completion, and employment and can be disaggregated by various demographics. It includes comparison of TCC with 1) Regional peers and 2) The system (other Washington Community and Technical Colleges).
Surveys and External Reports:
- HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey: 2022-2023 Overall Comparison Report: The Overall Comparison report provides data for TCC and other participating institutions.
- Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Benchmark Scores Report (pdf): TCC's Institutional Research systematically conducts surveys of it students, staff, and faculty on a periodic basis. This report is on the CCSSE 2020 student engagement results and provides comparison data to national peer institutions. The survey is administered every three years.
- Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) Comparison to National Community Colleges: TCC's Institutional Research systematically conducts surveys of it students, staff, and faculty on a periodic basis. This report is on the 2024 satisfaction results and provides comparison data to national peer institutions. The survey is administered every three years.
- Graduating Student Survey: TCC's Institutional Research systematically conducts surveys of it students, staff, and faculty on a periodic basis. This report is on TCC’s graduating students experiences and is intended to gain invaluable feedback to help improve college experience. The survey is administered every year.
- HOPE Center #RealCollege Survey 2019 TCC (pdf): This survey is aimed at reveling the daily experiences of TCC students and how they meet their basic needs.
- EMSI 2019 (pdf): This report provides invaluable information on the economic value of Tacoma Community College. It provides information on the economic impacts created by TCC on the business community and the benefits the college generates in return for the investments made by students, taxpayers, and society, TCC’s key stakeholder groups.
- IPEDS Feedback Report 2023 (pdf): IPEDS is the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) that collects data from all institutions that provide postsecondary education and are eligible to receive Title IV funding across the United States and other U.S. jurisdictions. The report provides data on select indicators and compares to peer institutions.
Measures that Matter Newsletters for this academic year
These quarterly newsletters highlight data of interest to the campus community. They provide useful information, encourage data conversations, and empower faculty and staff to improve TCC students’ success.
- Post-secondary Educational Attainment (August 2024)
- Pierce County and TCC by the Numbers (Fall 2024)
- Student Satisfaction Survey Highlights (Winter 2025)
(Note: Additional reports and data can be viewed by logging into the Institutional Research page on the college’s secure site.)