Events & Activities
From the Office of Student Engagement
Student Events
Welcome to winter quarter at TCC! TCC's Office of Student Engagement (OSE) has lots of great events and activities planned. Check this page frequently for updates!

Snack & Study
March 12-14
Student Learning Centers
Get ready for Finals Week with the tutors! Bring what you're working on, we'll provide the tutors & snacks!
Wednesday, March 12, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Business Education Center, 16-308.
Thursday, March 13, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Writing & Tutoring Center, 7-221
Friday, March 14, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Science, Engineering & Math Tutoring Center, 19-22

Bites from Around the World
March 12, 9a - 3p
Building 11, The Center
Stop by "The Center" in Building 11 and try foods from around the globe!

Game Night
March 14, 4-6 p.m.
Building 11 Student Center
Join us for board games, card games, and video games in the Building 11 Student Center! You're more than welcome to bring your own games! Snacks provided.
Winter Sports
Winter sports have started! The Titan Athletics winter quarter teams are Men's and Women's Basketball. Home games are free with TCC student ID. Go Titans!
Winter Concerts
Every quarter, TCC's music programs host free live performances in the Building 2 Theater -- and many of the performers are TCC students! Everyone is welcome to attend.
Connect with us!
Titan Today
Visit Titan Today for activities, contests, and news that affects TCC students!
Go to Titan TodayStudent Engagement is on Instagram! Visit their page -- tcc.campuslife -- for updates from OSE leadership, contests, and more!
Student Engagement on InstagramStudent Engagement is on Twitter! Visit their feed -- @studentlifetcc -- for updates from OSE leadership, contests, and more!
Student Engagement on Twitter