Active Shooter

Learn what to do in an active shooter situation. 

In an active shooter situation, someone comes to campus and attempts to kill large numbers of people, most often with a gun, but sometimes with a knife or other weapon. If you learn that an active shooter situation is happening, take steps to protect yourself. We recommend that people evaluate their situation, then choose to an action: Run, Hide, or Fight.

Run: Evacuate if you can

  • Move away from the armed person or the sound of gunfire.
  • Move in a zigzag pattern.
  • Move away from groups of people.
  • Leave campus if you can.
  • If you can’t leave campus, move as far away as possible and find a secure place to hide.
  • Don’t stop to gather your belongings.
  • While moving, keep your hands visible to law enforcement.
  • Assist people with disabilities or mobility issues if you can safely do so.
  • Attempt to convince others to go with you, but don’t stay if they won’t go.
  • Call 911 when it is safe to do so. Give as many details as possible. If it's not safe to call, you can text 911 in Pierce County

Hide: Find a safe place

  • If you believe evacuating the area would put you at risk, find a place to hide out of sight.
  • Choose a place with thick walls and few windows, if possible.
  • Lock doors and barricade them with furniture.
  • Turn off lights.
  • Silence cell phones and other electronics.
  • Close windows and blinds to avoid being seen from the outside.
  • Contact 911 via text to avoid making noise. Learn how to text 911 in Pierce County
  • Remain hidden until you get the all-clear from TCC Alerts.
  • If you’re outdoors, try to find a hiding place that offers protection from gunfire, as well as concealment, such as wall, large trees, or buildings.

Fight: Attempt to incapacitate the shooter

  • Fight only as a last resort, if your life is in imminent danger and you can’t safely run or hide.
  • Physically attack the shooter.
  • Team up with nearby people to overwhelm the shooter, if possible.
  • Throw heavy items such as chairs at the shooter.
  • Call 911 when it’s safe to do so.

After the Incident

  • Remain where you are until you get the “all clear” from law enforcement, from Campus Safety, or from TCC Alerts.
  • When law enforcement arrives, make sure you hold up your hands to show that you’re not holding a weapon.
  • When it is safe to do so, connect with family members at a pre-arranged site.

What does “Lockdown” mean in an active shooter situation?   

“Lockdown” is a college response to an active shooter. It means that Campus Safety Officers and Building Safety Stewards will lock doors to prevent the shooter from entering buildings and rooms, and individuals should also lock the doors to their rooms. This will also prevent other people from entering campus buildings and rooms. Please do not attempt to enter locked spaces. Instead, choose the best "Run, Hide, Fight" option for your situation while following all instructions given by law enforcement and Campus Safety. 

"Lockdown" does not mean that anyone is required to stay in the same location as an active shooter. “Run, Hide, Fight” are choices that must be individually assessed in an active shooter situation, regardless of the college’s lockdown status.