Blaine Hunt


Blaine Hunt
OfficeBldg. 16 Rm: 324
Dept.Creative Arts, Literature, and Communication

Profile: Prof. Hunt

One of My Favorite LC Lectures is: 
idea mapping. I’m a hugely visual person, and I love to learn from the ideas students generate on a poster.

Our Ideal LC Student Will:
be engaged in both their own learning as well as those of the other LC students.

I Love Teaching in This LC Because: 
it’s inspiring work to watch the growth and learning that students generate on a daily basis.

In Class I’m Most Likely To: 
stand back, ask questions, and listen more than or as much as I talk from the front of the room.


Class Schedule

SpringENGL& 10201HEnglish Composition IIMW
9:30 AM
11:20 AM

SpringFRSH 07802HR/W SocStudies:ContWrldIMTWTh
11:30 AM
1:20 PM

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