Interdisciplinary Writing Studies
Associate of Arts (DTA) - Specialization in Interdisciplinary Writing Studies
TCC’s Interdisciplinary Writing Studies Specialization of the Associate of Arts (DTA) degree provides well-rounded academic preparation, real-world writing experience, and work-related skills for transfer to a wide variety of four-year college or university programs and for entry into the workforce. This specialization is also a great choice for students who know they want to transfer but haven’t yet decided exactly what they want to do with their lives. It is especially beneficial to students planning to transfer to the University of Washington Tacoma, due to UWT’s emphasis on interdisciplinary studies.
Completion of the Interdisciplinary Writing Studies specialization prepares students to transfer to a four-year college as a junior and pursue a diverse range of degrees and careers, including meaningful and fulfilling work in media, education, business, government, publishing, non-profit, public relations, communication, and arts sectors.
Courses are designed to help students develop the capacity to critically examine power and privilege within print and digital texts; produce effective audience-centered texts; and develop an inclusive, respectful, and multicultural worldview through engagement with faculty, peers, and locally and nationally-recognized writers, activists, and other speakers.
Students pursuing the specialization have opportunities to write for and edit TCC publications, including Una Voce, the magazine of student writing; Trillium, the magazine of creative writing and art; and The Challenge online student newspaper. Students may apply for positions as writing tutors/support staff in the Writing and Tutoring Center or through the Supplemental Instruction program.
All public universities in the state of Washington have a language requirement at the bachelor degree level. Students should review those requirements and ensure you meet them prior to transfer. World language credit can be applied toward humanities, multicultural, and general elective requirements of the Associate of Arts degree.
Associate of Arts - Specialization in Interdisplinary Writing Studies
Your guided path toward earning your degree
Placement Testing
Before enrolling in their first English course at TCC, students may use a variety of tools to decide which course is the best fit for your own experiences. The goal of placement is to ensure students have the best chance to learn, succeed, and move forward in college. When preparing to take their first English class, students may qualify using Multiple/Alternative Measures or Directed Self Placement. Contact Assessment Services for more information.
Assessment Services Office
Location: Bldg. 7
Find out more
Contact us to help you design your career pathway:
Andrew Brottlund, Program Chair
Steve Johns, Program Chair
Explore Writing Studies pathways at TCC.