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Writing Across Disciplines

TCC faculty talk about writing, reading, research and transferable skills across curriculum.

How important is writing?

In this series, Lindsey Stixrud from the Writing & Tutoring Center and Jasmeen Chahal from Writing Studies interview TCC faculty about writing and everything related in their field, discipline, and courses. Faculty members from Chemistry, Early Childhood Education, Paralegal Studies, Economics, Math, Writing Studies, and Communication, shared their insights. If you've ever wondered how you might use writing in different academic or career paths, watch the videos below to find out about Writing Across Disciplines.

Economics Professor Robert Larson

Interview with professor about writing in the field of business and economics.

Chemistry Professor Kayla Shaffron

Interview with professor about writing in the field of chemistry.

Paralegal Professor Beth Acken

Interview with professor about writing in the field of paralegal studies.

Communication Professor Tomas Romas

Interview with professor about writing in the field of communication.

Early Childhood Education Professor Jennifer Karshna

Interview with professor about writing in the field of early childhood education.

Writing Professor Dr. Andrew Brottlund

Interview with professor about writing in the field of writing studies and English.

Math Professor Sean Boyd

Interview with professor about writing in the field of math.


Want to get writing support at TCC?

Visit the Writing & Tutoring Center!

The mission of the Writing & Tutoring Center is to help you become a more successful learner, both in your classes and beyond your time at TCC. Learning is an ongoing process, and our goal here is to help you develop skills and strategies along the way.

Visit us in building 7, room 221 or visit our web page for more information.