Titan PULSE Mentors

Peers Utilizing Leadership for Student Excellence


TCC Titan PULSE Mentors are impactful campus leaders, relationship builders, and advocates for students.
As students themselves, the Titan PULSE Mentors all commit to creating a safe and inclusive environment on campus. They celebrate student’s successes, and demonstrate that each student creates and makes up a pulse within our campus— and also the broader community.

Titan PULSE Mentors can help you to:

Navigate your Future

Whether you're trying to jump into a career, or transfer to a University, a Titan PULSE Mentor can discuss your Pathway here at TCC, and how to accomplish your goals.

Create Effective Study Habits

To be successful in your courses, it requires that you study your material not only inside of class, but also: outside of your class. Titan PULSE Mentors can help you to carve out time for studying in your busy schedule, and also teach you how to make your study time productive. 

Connect to Resources

TCC offers a variety of services to help students both academically, and personally. However, it can sometimes be overwhelming figuring out how to explore and navigate these different resources. Titan PULSE Mentors can help you to identify the services that will best assist you for your personal circumstances.

I learned a lot throughout my college journey, and I want to pass that knowledge to other students. If I can help just one student achieve success by avoiding some pitfalls I fell into-- then I will feel like I have accomplished what I set out to do.”

Morgen Parker, Previous Titan PULSE Mentor

Meet Our Mentors

Bella Bartose

Bella Bartose headshot

Criminal Justice Major

Bella has been at TCC for a year, and as part of the Fresh Start program, she has been making excellent progress towards earning her General Associates Degree. Her goal is to then transfer to a 4-year insititution and persue a career in legal writing, specifically within Criminal Justice.

When she is not in class, you can usually find her sipping on a coffee, listening to Taylor Swift or Harry Styles, and dreaming about a vacation to the UK.

What's Your Favorite

Sport: Soccer
Cartoon Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender


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Jason Huery

Jason Huery pictured in a blue circle

Computer Science Major

Jason is pursuing an Associate Degree in Computer Science, with the goal of transferring to UWT's SET (School of Engineering & Technology) program, to focus on IT. After a difficult introduction to college through a fully remote course during the height of COVID (in Winter of 2020), Jason's been excelling and has a 3.88 GPA ever since switching to in-person learning.

What's Your Favorite

Movie: Koe no Katachi
Kara no Kyoukai - Garden of Sinners


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KQuincey Tate

Headshot of KQuincey Tate

Business Major

While in high school KQuincey briefly participated in the Running Start program here at TCC. Returning to TCC, KQuincey has been sucessful in his classes and has even made it onto the Dean's List. He has his eyes set on completing an Associate of Business, with the goal of transferring to an HBCU afterwards. And throughout his path, he would like to focus on entreprenuership in order to effectively advance his music career, and give back to his community. 

What's Your Favorite

Genre of Music: Rap and R&B 
"Everyone's story is different." 






Contact Information

You can reach out to an available PULSE Mentor by calling:
☎ 253-566-5288

Or visiting us in the office:
Building 11, Room 114

Open 8AM to 5PM
Monday - Thursday