More than 80 Colleges to Attend Pierce County College Fair Oct. 5

More than 80 Colleges to Attend Pierce County College Fair Oct. 5

What: PNACAC Pierce County College Fair

Where: TCC Building 20 Gym

When: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Oct. 5

Are you a high school student starting to think about college? A TCC student starting to think about transferring? An adult interested in pursuing a degree or making a career change? Sign up to attend the PNACAC Pierce County College Fair! You’ll have the chance to meet with representatives from more than 80 colleges and ask them your admissions questions.

“At the college fair, you are encouraged to ask questions about campus life, academic programs, admission criteria and more, to help you get a feel of what is important for you and your future,” said TCC Entry Services Director Christina Nakada-Alm. “Ask the representatives about what’s important to you as a student – you will have more than 80 colleges and universities to pick from, so review our list, and see which representatives you’d like to meet.”

Find schools that will attend the fair and sign up here.

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