TCC Earth Week Activities

TCC Earth Week Activities

Celebrate Earth Week by taking part in activities planned by the TCC Sustainability Action Committee!

Monday, April 17

TCC Wetland Restoration

3 p.m.

Meet in front of Building 15 at 3 p.m. to walk down to the wetland area of the "Back 40" with the group. Anyone who doesn't mind getting a little muddy is welcome to come and help!

Tuesday, April 18

Salmon Release at Puget Creek

3:30 p.m.

The Coho salmon fry the Biology department has been raising in Building 15 are ready to be released into Puget Creek! Meet at the Alder Way entrance (off of Ruston Way) to help release the fry into the creek. This is a great family activity, so bring the kids!

Wednesday, April 19

The Seeds of Vandana Shiva

3 p.m.

We're opening the Diversity Film Festival on campus with an Earth Week pic! The film and discussion will be held in Building 16, Room 106.

Thursday, April 20

TCC Sustainability Garden Work Party

2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Have you visited the TCC Sustainability garden yet? It's behind a chain link fence across Parking Lot "I" from the Building 20 Gym. Wear some gardening clothes and help get the garden ready for spring planting! Produce helps feed students via the Max & Margi Harned Titan Food Pantry.

Student Podcasts

Communication & Transitional Studies Professor Pam Beal's class recorded sustainability-themed podcasts that are airing on Radio Tacoma this week. Listen to them here.

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