Commencement Pictures Are Up!

Commencement Pictures Are Up!

Congratulations to the TCC Class of 2023! This year, TCC awarded:

  • 46 Bachelor Degrees
  • 988 Associate Degrees
  • 572 Certificates
  • 149 High School Diplomas

to 1755 Total Graduates.

Featuring Student Speaker and ASTCC President Madeline Sprute, Faculty Speaker Dr. Jillian Edwards, and Staff Speaker Wendy Jackson, the 2023 Commencement was held in the Building 20 New Gym Saturday, June 17. TCC students performed the National Anthem for the ceremonies, with Carl Reese playing trumpet at the 10 a.m. ceremony and Cooper Franklin singing at the 2 p.m. ceremony. 2023 Distinguished Alumnus Tony Lindgren accepted his award at both ceremonies.

Find photos from the event here.

Image of campus commons

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