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TCC Distinguished Alumni

Epitomizing Excellence

The Tacoma Community College Foundation is excited to seek nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Award again this year. The award honors and celebrates alumni who have distinguished themselves with outstanding professional and personal achievements, and alumni who are making a difference in their communities. Established in 2006, the Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes former students of Tacoma Community College who serve as role models for the next generation of community leaders. We are seeking nominees who demonstrate: 

  • Significant Career or Personal Achievement
    Nominees in this category have made significant career or personal achievement accomplishments. Their work and impact have established them as a leader in their field and they have been recognized for their exceptional achievement.
  • Significant Service to Tacoma Community College and/or the Community
    Nominees in this category have had an important impact through service to TCC or the local community. Their work and contributions have advanced the mission of TCC: As the community’s college, we create meaningful learning, advance equity, and strengthen student and community success. Nominees have demonstrated an extraordinary record of service to TCC or to the community in general.

A woman in a suit smiling

Chelsea Talbert - 2024

Chelsea Talbert, a strategist and organizer in Tacoma, graduated from TCC in 2012 and transferred to the University of Hawaii, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 2015.

A fourth-generation Tacoma resident, Talbert attended School of the Arts but found that traditional high school didn’t work for her. Instead, she enrolled in TCC’s Fresh Start program.

“When my high school principal signed the paperwork for me to drop out so I could attend TCC, he told me ‘you will never be anything more than a high school dropout.’ To look back on that moment and look at my life today as the 2024 Distinguished Alumnus, it means more than I could put into words,” Talbert said.

In the Fresh Start program, Talbert found an environment that equipped her with the autonomy, accountability, and confidence to be successful. She also found a math teacher who finally helped her to comprehend math.

“I still remember the first time it really clicked for me! I knew what to do! The real gift of that moment was the confidence it gave me. It’s something I carry with me into every room I walk into now.”  

Since launching her career, Talbert has immersed herself in community and local government work. In 2017, after years of political organizing, Talbert became a union organizer for the UAW 5810, fighting against attacks on science while fighting for better working conditions for postdoctoral researchers. She worked on the antiracist transformation of the child welfare system as the Pierce County Partnership and Engagement Manager for Amara, an organization that supports child and families impacted by foster care. During her time assisting the Pierce County Councilmember Marty Campbell, Talbert organized the County’s first-ever dual-language Council meeting and worked to increase accessibility and reduce barriers to funding processes.

Talbert works in the Office of Strategy at City of Tacoma, managing high-profile initiatives including the Tacoma Equity Index and the Tacoma Anchor Network  while developing the Community Safety Action Strategy and Tacoma’s 10-year strategic plan. In every role, Talbert seeks to center antiracism, equity, and the voice of community while building collective power to, together, confront complex challenges and achieve ambitious goals.

To anyone considering college, Talbert says:

“You are deciding what institution and pathways are going to help you grow into what you will give to the world. I can’t imagine a better place to grow than TCC.”

Past Honorees

2023 - Tony Lindgren

2022 - T'Wina Nobles

2019 - Mari Leavitt 

2016 - Andre Stout

2015 - Ali Criss, Financial Advisor

2015 - Vernelda Savoy, Managing Nurse

2014 - James Curtis, Attorney

2014 - Chris Anderson, CEO 2bridges

2013 - Connie Ladenburg, City Councilor, Congresswoman, Social Worker

2012 - Dave Burmark, High School Counselor

2011 - Dr. Walter Nolte, University President

2010 - Ed Troyer, Law Enforcement

2009 - Jim Walton, City Manager

2008 - Fred Stabbert, Businessman/CEO

2007 - Brian Sonntag, Banker, County Clerk, Auditor

2006 - John Hall, Financial Services CEO