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Brian Test

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Undecided??? Try the Picker of Your Future

TCC’s Accounting program prepares students for employment in a wide variety of business accounting environments. The program structure is progressive, leading to four levels of achievement associated with increasing levels of job responsibility. The certificates can be taken as stand-alone options or applied to the Associates in Applied Sciences degree. TCC also offers specialized accounting certificates in Computerized Accounting and Tax Preparation.

This program is not intended for transfer to most four-year colleges and universities. Students who plan to transfer should meet with the Program Chair prior to program enrollment.

Parent Information
Interpreter Needed?*
Please fill out if you are a TCC student.
Care Information
(Your selection does not guarantee enrollment)
Are you currently receiving a DCYF Childcare Subsidy?*
If you are receiving a DCYF Childcare Subsidy, which kind?
Do you think you may qualify as a low income family?*
Check all that apply.
Child Information
Is your child walking?*
I give permission for the ELC to access my ctclink account to verify my student status, prior to calling me for an available childcare opening.*
I agree that I'm responsible for updating my information with the TCC ELC if it changes.*