blue graphic with healthcare symbols

Health Information Management

Health Information Management (HIM)
Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)


The Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) degree provides a pathway for graduates of associate degree programs in health care fields to attain a baccalaureate level education in the dynamic Health Information Management (HIM) field. The specialized field of Health Informatics and Information Management is an exciting career choice. Health information professionals are in high demand as the health sector continues to expand.

The HIM Applied Baccalaureate degree is offered completely online. This provides convenience and flexibility for students balancing work and family commitments, while providing an excellent, affordable education.


Information Sessions

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Self-Paced Virtual Information Session

The Self-Paced Virtual Information Session is part of the BAS admission process.


Application Factors

TCC receives more applicants to the BAS program than there are available positions. Please review the factors we consider when accepting applications.

Review the Factors

Entry Requirements

Please review the entry requirements for this degree.

Review Entry Requirements

Apply to HIM BAS program

 Transcript review is completed during application review.

Apply to HIM BAS

 HIM BAS Program

TCC's HIM BAS degree program prepares students for successful employment. Here's a snapshot of what the program entails. 


Got more questions?

Here are some resources for you.

Image of the Harned Center, TCC's health building


Review related Frequently Asked Questions.

Image of the students walking through the Harned Center, TCC's health building


Complete the Self-Paced Virtual Information Session and take the first step toward acceptance into the Health Information Management Applied Baccalaureate Degree. 

Self-Paced Virtual Info Session


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